simplicity recovered wood, eco-friendly, custom award design
priced between $190 - $210 each
Prices are based on quantity, printed details, timelines and final specifications. Bulk discount available.
examples as shown
All Tasmanian Oak hardwood, black acrylic with full colour digital print (matt laminate), laser engraved hardwood and textured powder coating. Other materials available – Red Oak hardwood or Maple hardwood. Other finishes available – Anodized aluminum in various colours, coloured and semi-translucent acrylics*, darker Danish oils (stain).
- Printing on two or three surfaces
- Acrylic as the standard material for the accent panel. *glass, wood or aluminum can be used for the accent panel to make more eco friendly.
lead time
1-3 weeks
Lead times can vary depending on the size of the project, design approval and final artwork approval.
sustainability features
- When possible, we source our wood from suppliers that are FSC certified.
- Bamboo is fast growing; harvest-able in 1-3 years as opposed to hardwoods that can take up to 40 years + to mature.
wood options - standard
- Bamboo, natural
- Bamboo, caramel
wood options - on request
- Douglas Fir (recovered)
- Pine beetle wood (denim pine, recovered)
- Cedar
- Maple
- Red Oak
- Poplar
- Others available on request