
achieve - bamboo eco plaques

priced between $175 - $195 each
Prices are based on quantity, printed/engraved details, timelines and final specifications. Bulk discount available.   

Size - 350mm H (14”) x 75mm W (3”) x 25mm D (1”) 
Weight - Approximately .5kg (1.1 pound)

- Artwork setup and printing in full colour on front
- Artwork must be supplied in eps format

lead time
1-2 weeks
Lead times can vary depending on the size of the project, design approval and final artwork approval.

sustainability features  
- Bamboo is fast growing;  harvestable in 1-3 years, as opposed to hardwoods that can take up to 40 years + to mature
- Aluminum is 100% recyclable
- Aluminum has a lower melting temperature than other metals (less energy required to create/recycle)
- Anodizing uses less product to create a coating as opposed to painting or powder coating. Additionally, over spray or post painting clean up (solvents) is not an issue with anodizing.  

anodizing colours  
- Matte finish 

Anodising colours (matte finish)

wood options  
- Bamboo, natural
- Bamboo, caramel
- Others available on request